Camp Life
What Are "Air Trusses"?
Posted by Wildcat Outdoor Gear onIt's a question we get asked all the time! "What's the deal with the air trusses?". Simply put, they are large, durable tubes that easily inflate to bring the tent up to it's set up position. Each tent has 4 tubes and we provide an easy to use pump. Just...
Save Up To $300 - 4th Of July Sale!
Posted by Wildcat Outdoor Gear onFor a limited time, save $200 on our LYNX 640 series tent and $300 on our BOBCAT 500! This sale won't last long, so order today to take full advantage of these amazing prices! All Wildcat tents provide: Over 200 square feet of interior camping space Divided sleeping areas with...
Wildcat LYNX 640 vs. REI Kingdom 6 Tent for Family Tent Camping
Posted by Wildcat Outdoor Gear onAs warmer weather will soon be upon us, many families are beginning to plan camping trips for over the summer months. Family camping can be a wonderful experience provided everyone has the right expectations, and a certain level of comfort can be achieved. Traditionally, family tent camping has always required a little bit...
5 Tips For Winter Family Camping
Posted by Wildcat Outdoor Gear onJust because it's cold outside does not mean family camping adventures have to wait. In fact, having a positive winter camping trip as a family can be one of the best experiences for kids. However, since it is cold out, there are a few extra steps that need to be...
Why A Wildcat Tent Makes The Perfect Family Gift!
Posted by Wildcat Outdoor Gear onWow, it's hard to believe the holiday season is upon us! Every year it seems to sneak up and leave us scrambling with trying to find time to spend with family, shop for friends and love ones, and enjoy as much holiday cheer as possible. While we can't help with...